Thursday, April 12, 2012

About What is Coming

April 12, 2012
I have been asked by a few to comment on the word that Glynda Lomax released on 4/5/2012 called “Prepare for War”; this will be my only response to those requests. The word is true, but not as you might think it to be. A few years ago what I was hearing from the Lord personally was no longer lining up to what many main line charismatic oracles were declaring. I set forth on a hunt which led me to Glynda’s YouTube channel and the Wings of Prophecy. I find that what the Lord has spoken to me in prayer has consistently been in agreement with what the Lord has given to Glynda to release.

It is the question that is always asked of prophetic people, “What do you think is going to happen?” When speaking of what is coming as simply “judgment” many want more details. “Judgment” is a catch all term which does nothing except explain the judiciousness of God’s decision. It is a term which is general enough to excite the excitable, and offend away those looking for more specific information. In short, because we have not apprehended the ways of God for our self, every words seems to come out without enough information. It is one of the ways of God to conceal a matter, and give only enough information to draw us into a proper response. That response is to come to Him.

Be Careful How You Hear

Many people seeking a word from others about coming judgments are doing so because it is expedient and useful for them to prepare specifically for an event. It makes the practical preparations less costly and more effective.  The reason why more specific words have not been released is because God does not want you to have them. Does that should harsh? It is however true. Go to God for yourself and seek Him personally as to what you should do, and stop expecting other people to be god to you.

The specifics of “What should I do?” are designed to come in the prayer closet, in relationship with God. If you “have not” more detailed information, it is most likely because you have “asked not”.  If you have asked and received not, check you motives. Is this to secure your kingdom or the Kingdom of God. Are you trying to save the life of the king of your kingdom? Or working for the Glory of The King?

Words specific enough to be actionable for practical preparation are rare through a prophetic person. Even the person speaking of judgments to come still must go personally before God and ask of Him, “What shall I do?” God’s goal all along has been to draw you into a personal relationship with Him, without Him you are lost for an eternity. The short term is only a little matter.  Many are waiting for such words now, but God has left us in waiting so that we might trust Him. Not to trust in our own resourcefulness above Him. He has left us waiting to seek His face, repent of our sins, receive of His Spirit and ready our hearts so that they do not faint. The temporal and practical considerations are secondary!

It is not as simple as “God told me judgment is coming, so I will prepare”. Have you considered that God might not want you to survive? If you have not asked that simple question of God, it is a practical place to begin.  The relationship begins with death; with Him as our example and then us in obedience. Death puts everything in the proper perspective. This leaves us in a place of prayer and seeking His face; a place we should have been all along. As I said before: He is able to keep many without any preparation, and call home many who have prepared much.

About What is Coming

God gave me a word in 1998 on the 4th of July. I was living with my Dad shortly after finishing college, and was attending a Fireworks show. As the show was going off the Lord began to speak to me that there was coming a judgment that was not yet, but would most certainly be. He would give America time to repent, but in the end they would not, and the judgment would come. Over the next weeks I sought the Lord as to the normal questions at receiving such a word: “who, what, when, where and how?” All of those questions He was silent about, yet there other things which are important to be known.

The type of judgment is important to understand, because there are judgments, and there are judgments. 9-11 was a judgment, but it also was a warning. Is there a person on earth who has not seen the images of the collapse of the World Trade Center? It was a warning that went to the ends of the earth, and to every household in America. Yet, have we repented? We sang “God Bless America”, but have we changed?

What is this type of judgment that is coming? At the time the Lord first spoke to me He made clear that it was after the pattern of Israel’s carrying away into captivity. The judgment of America will follow the Biblical patter of the removal of a nation because its sins. The approach to it follows the Biblical prescription of those days. May prophets spoke during those days, and all of it applies directly for us NOW and should be considered as the pattern for what is coming. He will not spare us nationally, and so the end is not repentance: it is destruction. The time for repentance passed with the warnings, and will not return. It is before us, coming and even here.

There is one change to this Biblical pattern of judgment from the Old Testament writings, Israel had a Biblical and prophetic end in the scriptures: America does not. Israel both ceased from being a nation and regained being a nation. Israel’s captivity was 70 years as an example, but ours is forever. I have heard of many words which speak of this happening suddenly. If it is fast or a long slow slide, the end is certain.

To claim America has a “special” place in scripture is to stretch Biblical interpretation past what it was ever intended. In the end such claims are no more than a sales pitch of hopefulness! Some might say we are the figure Babylon: this is a fair judgment, but consider the end of Babylon. In Daniels time Babylon fell in one night and in Revelation it is declared to end in “one hour”. Babylon speaks to a system that stretches the whole of the earth, and while not us in particular America is at its center.

Speaking of the End

In the July 4th word the Lord admonished me that many things were ahead of me before that time, but be aware of these things in their season. Many things have happened in those 14 years personally and nationally. Personally, I received Bible training, married, worked in church based ministry and had children. I have followed the Lord on many adventures, all of which have helped me to grow closer to Him. Nationally we experienced 9-11, the war on terror, the invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq and countless smaller military engagements. At every turn I wondered if it was the time, and it has not been. Life continued on, and I personally continued to follow the Lord. I honestly hoped these days would never come, but they are here and running quickly toward us.

In the early spring of last year came the word that it was now time the Lord has spoken to me. It was time to prepare, but I had been prepared already. The primary preparation is faith and relationship with Him, all other things are secondary considerations. We are dealing with God, who made all that He will judge and it is in His hands to do with as He chooses. The last preparation to put into place was natural, earthly and physical. God has been preparing His own to follow Him for a long time. As I have said before, He is able to keep you without any preparation, and call you home even if you have made every peroration. You are in His hands.

Specifics of the End

The Lord at that time spoke to me of Lamentations Chapter 4 (Read it!) as being descriptive of the final end of America.  The situation described by Jeremiah as an eye witness shows what removal of a nation looks like when carried out. These verse are also highly descriptive matches with the words given by many of God’s prophetic voices about what is coming. Many have seen masses of wandering and starving people dying as they went. Much of what people have seen is the end of the judgments; very few have a sure word about the beginning. Have we not considered the most basic precepts of the prophetic, that God “declares the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10)?” Why then do we seek to know the beginning and middle, when we shall see clearly the end? The rest, if God be willing, we will only witness with our eyes (PS91).

God is not speaking much of the specifics of the beginning. The only people this will not take by complete surprise are these following the Lord presently. Many things have been said, but only through the eyes of History will it be judged as true/false and specific/vague. The central message of all the words the Lord has given to His servants is to prepare: spiritual preparation being always at the forefront of EVERY admonition! The question is actually this: “Are you ready to meet your maker?” Live the rest of your time ready! Prepare naturally as the Lord wills, allows and provides.

Hard Things

Many are said to be sensationalists or only trying to get up a following by words of warning and visions of destruction, but time will tell. Knowing personally many of the people speaking these things, and having done so myself, would it shock you if I was to say we don’t really want to hear of it all either? We are not joking. We are not taking anything we are saying lightly. Most people getting such words have been in intercession and prayer for the very people we are saying destruction is coming to! What do you think our hearts to be at this moment, after giving such a report? The most important place of all to be is in the prayer closet, hearing for yourself the answer to the prayer, “What shall I do?”

To hold this knowledge in any amount of real faith is hard to bear. Some think that anyone would speak of these things lightly. Lightness is nice mental exercise, as theological discussion of judgment; but hold the word of the Lord regarding these things is a horror and terror.

Do you believe in the judgment of God? As only a mental exercise or do the words of the words drive you to your knees in prayer for the unsaved? In prayer for your family, for your community, for your church and Christian brother and sisters.  If that has not been the effect of such a word on you, don’t have a real word. The real word of this judgment is a horror, and not a delight. Examine your motives in wanting to hear of such things, and the outcomes if you do. They are hard to bear when you know that the speaker is powerful enough to perform all that which He has spoken.

Brian D. McClafferty