Monday, March 19, 2012

The Screen of the Imagination

There is more in our souls that speak than just the stream of our thoughts and emotions. Our thinking also manifests as images, as all of our memories are recalled as pictures. These images appear on what I call the screen of the imagination. This is the same location in the soul that visions appear and word of knowledge pictures are displayed.

Before the digital age of photography I had a darkroom that I developed many rolls of slides in. If you would look at each slide individually, the colors were vibrant and rich. If you looked at two slides at the same time, the images became mixed and confused. If you held multiple slides together you would see only blackness.  This is the effect that unforgiveness has on the screen of our imagination.

This screen of the imagination can be defiled. When unforgiven or unhealed images from the past flash across the screen of our imagination it is damaged. The images are burned upon them like the old PC monitors who have displayed the same image for too long. The pains, sins and wrongs that have gone unforgiven are etched upon the screen. We allow them to remain, because we will not let them go.

The screen can be cleansed as we forgive others, and as God works healing within our heart. Sometimes we will be forced to deal with these images one circumstance at a time, other times the Lord will heal it on mass. Sometimes the images will be healed all at once. Eventually we will learn to forgive, and walk in forgiveness. Our hearing and seeing depends upon it.

There are other images that flash across our soul on a daily basis. As we take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ, this is an area that we need to pay some attention to. These impacts advertising, the magazines in the checkout line and  television also impact on this area and will need to cleansed away daily.

This place can be rendered nearly entirely useless by the modern epidemic of pornography. This area is deeper in our soul than our conscious thoughts, and this is the reason for the powerful hold this addiction has on our society. Our thoughts are words, but it has been well said in our time that a picture is worth a thousand of them. It has been an intentional plan of the enemy of our soul to corrupt this area.